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Our history

1996 - Trial classes of intelligence development are taught at Darkhan-Elite High school under Khan-Uul Institute.

2001- Mongolian Intellectual Development Center IQ, NGO was established and first IQ branches were opened. 

2003 - The National Critical and Creative Thinking Competition (CCTC) was conducted in the first time and become one of the specially approved Olympiads by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2004. 

2005-Development of Intelligence - IQ” subject was renewed as “Thinking Skills-TS” for middle classes. 

2006-“Learn to Learn-LL” subject was developed out and trained the teachers. 

2008-“Fall testing of Thinking Skills” was organized at the nationwide level. 

2009-2010- Our staff was led to the “Education” National program and National Development Comprehensive Policy to transfer to the international education system through intellectual education.

2011- The first seminar of IQ Club Leaders was organized in Ulaanbaatar. 

2012- Organized theCCTC-X in Sukhbaatar province. 

2013- 8th edition of “Development of Intelligence- IQ” for I-V grades was printed. 

2014- “Creative Mind” study group for senior class students was opened in 100 secondary schools.

2016- The sectional update was in the book of “Development of Intelligence- IQ” for I-V grades. 

2018- The sectional update was in the book of “Development of Intelligence- IQ” for I-V grades. 

2019- “Development of Intelligence- IQ” for I-V grades accompanied with a set of teachers’ manual. The sectional update was in the book of “Thinking Skills-TS” for middle classes/grades students. 

2019- The set of books “Development of Intelligence – age of 4” and “Development of Intelligence –age of 5” was newly published.  

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7th floor, Grand office center, Jamiyan Gun Str-128 UB-14240, Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia




Улаанбаатар хот, Сүхбаатар дүүрэг, 1-р хороо, Жамъян гүний гудамж 12, Гранд Оффис центр, 72 тоот.






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